3 x Hill Reps on Box Hill

      • Intensity
      • Time
      • Points
  • Description
  • Ridden on the iconic box hill route, this workout is a tried and tested favourite amongst cyclists in the south. Things start with a progressive warmup to the foot of the zig zag road. When you arrive, its a quick turn ready for an above threshold rep. Expect things to take around 6.5 minutes if you stick to the target power. A gentle descent (approx 3.5 minutes) brings you back for another rep. Repeat this 3 times for a great V02 max workout.
  • Or

    To ride this stage

Stage description

Ridden on the iconic box hill route, this workout is a tried and tested favourite amongst cyclists in the south. Things start with a progressive warmup to the foot of the zig zag road. When you arrive, its a quick turn ready for an above threshold rep. Expect things to take around 6.5 minutes if you stick to the target power. A gentle descent (approx 3.5 minutes) brings you back for another rep. Repeat this 3 times for a great V02 max workout.

  • Description Time Target Power Intensity Kcals
    Warm Up 02:46 135 Watts
    25 kcals
    Opener 00:31 171 Watts
    6 kcals
    Warm Up 01:57 144 Watts
    19 kcals
    Opener 00:22 189 Watts
    5 kcals
    Warm Up 02:22 153 Watts
    24 kcals
    Opener 00:17 207 Watts
    4 kcals
    Warm Up 02:48 135 Watts
    25 kcals
    Hill Rep 1 - Above Threshold 06:22 185 Watts
    78 kcals
    Recovery 03:34 117 Watts
    28 kcals
    Hill Rep 2 - Above Threshold 06:18 185 Watts
    77 kcals
    Recovery 03:35 117 Watts
    28 kcals
    Hill Rep 2 - Above Threshold 06:15 189 Watts
    78 kcals
    Cool Down 07:54 135 Watts
    70 kcals