>> Workouts >> Classic - 3 x (3 mins on, 3 mins off)

Classic - 3 x (3 mins on, 3 mins off)

Tags: V02 Max Lactate Tolerance Weight Loss HIIT Improve FTP Time Crunched Improve Hill Climbing
      • 36:00
      • Duration
      • Lactate Tolerance
      • Category
      • Intensity
Est. Average Power
141 watts
Est. Kcals
Est. Points
Ridden 0 time(s) in the last 30 days
  • Avg. power
    141 watts
  • Est. Kcals
  • Points
      • Intensity
      • Time
      • Points
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Workout description

Another workout considered as an all time classic. A tried and tested latctate tolerance interval that certainly delivers a performance boost. This is a very tough workout that should only be attempt when fully recovered from previous training. Consisting of 3 x 3 minute intervals which should be ridden as hard as can be sustained for the duration. Heart Rate levels will be approaching maximum in the final stages on the intervals.

Its not recommended to perform these types of intervals more than once a week and for any longer than 6 consecutive weeks. This is a great workout to use in the lead up to a key event or race.

Another workout considered as an all time classic. A tried and tested latctate tolerance interval that certainly delivers a performance boost. This is a very tough workout that should only be attempt when fully recovered from previous training. Consisting of 3 x 3 minute intervals which should be ridden as hard as can be sustained for the duration. Heart Rate levels will be approaching maximum in the final stages on the intervals.

Its not recommended to perform these types of intervals more than once a week and for any longer than 6 consecutive weeks. This is a great workout to use in the lead up to a key event or race.

  • Description Time Target Power Intensity Kcals
    Warmup - Easy 01:00 99 Watts
    7 kcals
    Warmup - Easy 01:00 117 Watts
    8 kcals
    Warmup - Steady 01:00 126 Watts
    8 kcals
    Warmup - Steady 01:00 135 Watts
    9 kcals
    Warmup - Hard 00:15 162 Watts
    3 kcals
    Warmup - Steady 00:45 135 Watts
    7 kcals
    Warmup - Hard 00:30 180 Watts
    6 kcals
    Warmup - Moderate 01:00 153 Watts
    10 kcals
    Warmup - Hard 00:15 198 Watts
    3 kcals
    Warmup - Steady 01:00 135 Watts
    9 kcals
    Warmup - Hard 00:15 216 Watts
    4 kcals
    Warmup - Easy 02:00 117 Watts
    15 kcals
    Hard Interval 03:00 225 Watts
    45 kcals
    Recovery 04:00 99 Watts
    26 kcals
    Hard Interval 03:00 225 Watts
    45 kcals
    Recovery 04:00 99 Watts
    26 kcals
    Hard Interval 03:00 225 Watts
    45 kcals
    Recovery 04:00 99 Watts
    26 kcals
    Cool Down 05:00 108 Watts
    36 kcals