>> Workouts >> Sweetspot - 1d

Sweetspot - 1d

Tags: Endurance Tempo Sweetspot Improve Endurance Improve FTP
      • 01:02:00
      • Duration
      • Sweetspot
      • Category
      • Intensity
Est. Average Power
146 watts
Est. Kcals
Est. Points
Ridden 0 time(s) in the last 30 days
  • Avg. power
    146 watts
  • Est. Kcals
  • Points
      • Intensity
      • Time
      • Points
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Workout description

Often referred to as the "sweetspot" level, this workout is designed to see a rider spend time at just below their current FTP level (for full information about FTP, please see our Help Portal).

Sweetspot intervals are said to deliver many of the benefits of a traditional threshold interval but at a slightly reduced intensity. The advantage of this is that recovery from such work is quicker than threshold intervals meaning the "sweetspot" level can be trained at more often than threshold levels.

Sweetspot intervals are very good at helping a rider perform at a relatively higher level intensity for a longer period of time. Leg effort will be noticeable during these workouts and breathing is likely to be slightly laboured.

Riders should ensure they have a good base level fitness (See: solid foundations workouts) before attempting sweetspot intervals. These are a medium-high intensity workout that will require full concentration to ensure the power targets are met.

Often referred to as the "sweetspot" level, this workout is designed to see a rider spend time at just below their current FTP level (for full information about FTP, please see our Help Portal).

Sweetspot intervals are said to deliver many of the benefits of a traditional threshold interval but at a slightly reduced intensity. The advantage of this is that recovery from such work is quicker than threshold intervals meaning the "sweetspot" level can be trained at more often than threshold levels.

Sweetspot intervals are very good at helping a rider perform at a relatively higher level intensity for a longer period of time. Leg effort will be noticeable during these workouts and breathing is likely to be slightly laboured.

Riders should ensure they have a good base level fitness (See: solid foundations workouts) before attempting sweetspot intervals. These are a medium-high intensity workout that will require full concentration to ensure the power targets are met.

  • Description Time Target Power Intensity Kcals
    Warmup - Easy 01:00 99 Watts
    7 kcals
    Warmup - Easy 01:00 117 Watts
    8 kcals
    Warmup - Steady 01:00 126 Watts
    8 kcals
    Warmup - Steady 01:00 135 Watts
    9 kcals
    Warmup - Hard 00:15 162 Watts
    3 kcals
    Warmup - Steady 00:45 135 Watts
    7 kcals
    Warmup - Hard 00:30 180 Watts
    6 kcals
    Warmup - Moderate 01:00 153 Watts
    10 kcals
    Warmup - Hard 00:15 198 Watts
    3 kcals
    Warmup - Steady 01:00 135 Watts
    9 kcals
    Warmup - Hard 00:15 216 Watts
    4 kcals
    Warmup - Easy 02:00 117 Watts
    15 kcals
    Sweetspot 18:00 171 Watts
    203 kcals
    Easy 06:00 108 Watts
    43 kcals
    Sweetspot 18:00 171 Watts
    203 kcals
    Cool Down 10:00 90 Watts
    59 kcals