>> Workouts >> Hooter


Tags: Recovery Endurance Weight Loss
      • 35:00
      • Duration
      • Recovery
      • Category
      • Intensity
Est. Average Power
114 watts
Est. Kcals
Est. Points
Ridden 0 time(s) in the last 30 days
  • Avg. power
    114 watts
  • Est. Kcals
  • Points
      • Intensity
      • Time
      • Points
      • Favour
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Workout description

Tired legs? Hooter will help flush the lactate from previous training sessions. The aim of this workout is to stimulate blood flow to the muscles without causing any further muscle fiber damage. Very low in intensity by nature, recovery rides are as the name suggests. They may not necessarily improve recovery, but they are a good way of staying active whilst allowing the body to recover.

Tired legs? Hooter will help flush the lactate from previous training sessions. The aim of this workout is to stimulate blood flow to the muscles without causing any further muscle fiber damage. Very low in intensity by nature, recovery rides are as the name suggests. They may not necessarily improve recovery, but they are a good way of staying active whilst allowing the body to recover.

  • Description Time Target Power Intensity Kcals
    Warmup - Easy 01:00 99 Watts
    7 kcals
    Warmup - Easy 01:00 117 Watts
    8 kcals
    Warmup - Steady 01:00 126 Watts
    8 kcals
    Warmup - Steady 01:00 135 Watts
    9 kcals
    Warmup - Moderate 00:15 153 Watts
    3 kcals
    Warmup - Steady 00:45 135 Watts
    7 kcals
    Warmup - Moderate 00:30 162 Watts
    5 kcals
    Warmup - Steady 01:00 135 Watts
    9 kcals
    Warmup - Hard 00:15 180 Watts
    3 kcals
    Warmup - Steady 01:00 135 Watts
    9 kcals
    Warmup - Hard 00:15 171 Watts
    3 kcals
    Warmup - Easy 02:00 117 Watts
    15 kcals
    Easy Spin 04:00 108 Watts
    29 kcals
    High Cadence 01:00 117 Watts
    8 kcals
    Easy Spin 04:00 108 Watts
    29 kcals
    High Cadence 01:00 117 Watts
    8 kcals
    Easy Spin 04:00 108 Watts
    29 kcals
    High Cadence 01:00 117 Watts
    8 kcals
    Easy Spin 04:00 108 Watts
    29 kcals
    High Cadence 01:00 117 Watts
    8 kcals
    Cool Down 05:00 99 Watts
    33 kcals